Super Quiz: The elements

  1. It is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe.

  2. It is the best conductor of electricity.

  3. It has often been referred to as the "king of elements."

  4. It is named after Cyprus, where it was mined by the Romans.

  5. Its chief ore is bauxite.

  6. Used to keep swimming pools clean and sanitary

  7. It was used in single-use photography flash bulbs.

  8. Used in light bulb filaments, also known as "wolfram"

  9. It was used in "strike-anywhere" matches.


  1. Hydrogen

  2. Silver

  3. Carbon

  4. Copper

  5. Aluminum

  6. Chlorine

  7. Magnesium

  8. Tungsten

  9. Phosphorus

MovieStyle on 06/21/2019

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