LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Insulted intelligence | Need to participate | Look for the answer

Insulted intelligence

I hope your iPad is waterproof because I just threw it in the lake!

I have accepted that my state and its statewide newspaper are part of the Trump cult. I'm practicing the teachings of Jesus daily by continuing to love my friends and relatives anyway. But when you say Tom Cotton was treated unfairly because to say "As the founding fathers said" was not an agreement with the following statement that "slavery was a necessary evil," I find it unbelievable.

Try this: As the founding fathers said, "all men are created equal," or, as Jesus said, "love your neighbor." If he had used those phrases, would you be disputing his agreement with them?

C'mon, guys. Defend him if you must, but don't insult our intelligence in the process.


North Little Rock

Need to participate

What is the ideal discovery, production, and distribution plan for the covid-19 vaccine? No matter who or where this vaccine comes from, the people of the world need this product.

There is an underlying financial side involving research and production costs. Who should absorb this: the company, the country, the international coordinator? There is both a fortune needed and to be made here.

Think also of the political equity. Leadership here has a future capital.

The talent of the world will produce the vaccine at about the same time. It's possible that China, England, Germany, Russia, or even the U.S. might move into the winner's circle, edging out the competition by moments. Competition will ultimately keep the prices to the public comparable. It is inevitable that the wealthier countries of the world will get the vaccine to their people faster.

The U.S. needs to participate in organizations such as WHO. The goal is to provide an example of fair leadership in the manufacture, distribution, and sale of the vaccine. And it is important for the world to witness democracy in action.


Hot Springs Village

Look for the answer

Mr. Gordon Swain asked if anyone could explain why Joe Biden would make a better president than Donald Trump.

I say, if you have to ask, then there is no way anyone could convince you otherwise. Just look around you, and also read the letter from Richard Bell; he explains it pretty well.

No, we don't really know exactly what Biden would do; it just couldn't be any worse than what is happening now.


Mountain Home

City's light dimmed

When Trump asked what have you got to lose, now would be a time to reflect on it. Since he took office, he made the shining city on the hill--instead of a model that the whole world looked up to and tried to copy--a dimly lit candle. A candle that he is trying to blow out.

He should be voted out, or our country will not be what Americans fought and died for.


Hot Springs Village

Needs more research

I need to quit reading Bradley R. Gitz on Monday mornings, for the same reason I don't watch Hannity or anything else on Fox News. Conservative media seem to think it's fine to cherry-pick facts to suit their viewpoint, while blaming everything on the Democratic party and the crazed left-wing mob that doesn't bow to the Mad King Donald. Fortunately for the future of our nation, that mob now includes the majority of the country.

First he resorts to name-calling with the "lockdown left." Cute. A couple months ago he was blaming that group for being politically biased because they thought the rush to reopen was unwise. The "wrong-way right" opened the country, the bars, the beaches and amusement parks and declared victory over the coronavirus, despite the evidence it was not yet contained. Maybe the lockdown left was right, and we did reopen too soon. Or does Mr. Gitz think the current level of growth in the pandemic shows the Republicans were right?

Mr. Gitz goes on to say that his is the only correct viewpoint on reopening school and claims that science backs him. He needs to spend more time researching. You can find experts showing data supporting both sides. Nobody knows what will happen if we reopen schools too early. He cites European countries that successfully reopened schools. What he fails to mention is those European countries stayed locked down until the infection rate was at a lower level than the U.S. ever achieved, then reopened schools.

To top it off, Mr. Gitz summarizes that the election will be between those evil Democrats/the dastardly teachers' unions and the righteous Republicans/parents. Then he says science supports the latter. No, it doesn't. Science says not to open schools unless the outbreak is nearing containment. And I know a lot of parents who are leery of the rush to open schools.

The pandemic is not a political issue, It is a health issue. Mr. Gitz needs to realize that not everyone who believes the scientists and epidemiologists can automatically be given one of his labels.


Little Rock

Writing and teaching

Reading Bradley R. Gitz re what government is for, his words caused me to research and read more about the Hobbesian state of nature. I read and reread and learned and assimilated.

As long as there are educators like this man, there is hope for our nation. Dear Sir: Keep writing and teaching.



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