Super Quiz: Scales

  1. This scale is based on 0 degrees for the freezing point of water.

  2. The Richter scale measures the strength of these phenomena.

  3. This scale of wind force ranges from 0 to 12.

  4. On this scale, 373.16 is the boiling point of water.

  5. What scale is measured in values from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral?

  6. Talc rates as the softest and easiest to scratch on this scale.

  7. This is a 12-note scale including all the semitones of the octave.

  8. The Hamilton-Norwood scale is used to classify the stages of what male problem?

  9. This scale of earthquake intensity ranges from I to XII.


  1. Celsius scale (centigrade scale)

  2. Earthquakes

  3. Beaufort scale

  4. Kelvin scale

  5. The pH scale

  6. Mohs scale (of mineral hardness)

  7. Chromatic scale

  8. Pattern baldness

  9. Mercalli scale

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