Super Quiz: Banana

  1. A word game that uses elements of both Boggle and Scrabble.

  2. Someone who serves in a subordinate capacity.

  3. American clothing retailer owned by Gap.

  4. To become very excited or angry.

  5. Alternate name for the Jamaican folk song "Day-O."

  6. Term for a small nation, especially in Central America, dependent on one crop.

  7. Title of a J.D. Salinger short story: "A Perfect Day for ----------."

  8. Name of an English female pop music vocal duo, originally a trio.

  9. Title of an Australian children's TV series that premiered in 1992.


  1. Bananagrams

  2. Second banana

  3. Banana Republic

  4. Go bananas

  5. "The Banana Boat Song"

  6. Banana republic

  7. Bananafish

  8. Bananarama

  9. "Bananas in Pyjamas"

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