Drivetime Mahatma

OPINION | DRIVETIME MAHATMA: Hey drivers, no hurry in those turn lanes

Dear Mahatma: The Transportation Department likes five-lane highways. That is, two lanes in each direction plus a dedicated left-turn lane in the center such as the rebuilt stretch of U.S. 70 between Interstate 30 and Hot Springs. Where do you come down on the legality/advisability of using the turn lane as an on-ramp for turning left onto the highway from a side street? -- Left Frustrated

Dear Lefty: Turn lanes are addressed in Arkansas Code Annotated 27-51-309, cleverly titled "Center left-turn lanes." The statute says several things.

First, a center left-turn lane is for two-way left turns in either direction, and is so marked by signage or striping.

Second, the lane is for the exclusive use of a left-turning vehicle in either direction.

Third, the lane shall not be used for through travel, or for passing or overtaking, except as part of a left turn. Yo, drivers: The center left-turn lanes are emphatically not for hauling booty and getting ahead.

Fourth, directly to the question, it's permissible while making a left-hand turn from an intersecting street or driveway to use the center left-turn lane to gain access to or merge into traffic. Except it's not permissible -- here we go again -- to use the center left-turn lane "as an acceleration lane."

Regarding U.S. 70 from I-30 to Hot Springs, we can't think off-hand of a better and safer highway improvement by the Arkansas Department of Transportation.

Dear Mahatma: Lately I've experienced a curious and confusing sight: Folks driving with their flashers on. Not the slow-moving mechanical-trouble flashers of my safe-driver training. This is flashers on, driving really fast or erratically. Through red lights, down the shoulder, even across a median. I assumed fast labor, but by the sixth sighting and naught a panicked pregger to be seen, are these naughty drivers? -- Confounded

Dear Connie: Asking such a question always elicits an excellent answer from Bill Sadler, the venerable spokesman for the Arkansas State Police. He often tosses in a statute.

In this case, the citation is Arkansas Code Annotated 27-36-208, "Restrictions on use." Of vehicle lights, that is. Light reading, and we recommend it.

The statute says, among other things, that flashers are prohibited except for "indicating the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring unusual care in approaching, overtaking or passing."

Sadler said using the hazard lights doesn't relieve a driver of the requirement to operate the vehicle safely, never endanger lives, and always follow the speed limit and all other traffic laws.

Now, while a vehicle is in motion and an emergency occurs within -- Sweetheart, my water broke! Aargh, my leather seats! -- using emergency flashers is ill-advised, Sadler said. Safely exit the roadway, safely stop and safely call 911.

Once off the road, turn on the flashers to help first responders or good Samaritans.

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