Search for Pulaski County voters in 2008 Presidential Party Primary

Pulaski County Presidential Primary Voters*

The Democratic, Green and Republican Presidential primary elections for 2008 were held on Tuesday, Feb. 5, in Arkansas. Since the state has an open primary system, people can vote in any one of the three party primaries. Voting in a specific party primary does not necessarily mean a voter is registered of that party. This database allows you to search for a voter by first or last name or street or city or even zip code to find out which party ballot a person chose.

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Search suggestions:

•If you know the exact name a person used on his voter registration information, you can simply type in the first and last name and receive results. If you don't get any results, try typing in only the last name and the city in which the person resides.

•For example: typing 'Smith' in the last name box and 'Jacksonville' in the city box will give you every voter with the last name of Smith who lives in Jacksonville.

•Typing in only a street name will return results of voters who live on any street with that name. You can narrow your results by including the name of a city with the street name.

•For example, typing 'Palm' in the street box and 'Little Rock' in the city box returns a list of Little Rock primary voters who live on Palm St.

•You can put in your own street and see in which primary your neighbors voted!

* This database contains only those people who have a party designation associated with their vote. The absence of a voter's name from this database does not indicate that his vote was not properly tabulated. It only indicates that the voter's party selection was not properly recorded at the time of the Feb. 5 voting.

These results reflect the party ballot on which a citizen voted, which could differ from that citizen's party affiliation.

The public information in this database was provided by the Pulaski County Clerk's office, not the Pulaski County Election Commission. It should not be used for comparison purposes or statistical analysis. Voters whose party designation was not recorded are not listed.