On Christianity

DEAR REV. GRAHAM: I've been in a residential drug rehab program for the last eight months. Our director just told me that I can go home for Thanksgiving, but I'm scared because I'm afraid I'll get with my old friends and slip back into my old ways. Should I take the risk?

-- D.R.

DEAR D.R.: I'm thankful for the progress you've made; I hope you're thankful also. From what you say elsewhere in your letter, you definitely were on the road to destruction, and even if you didn't realize it, God has been with you and wants to put your feet firmly on another road -- His road.

This is why I hope you won't jeopardize the progress you've made by putting yourself in the way of temptations you can't resist. These "friends" haven't helped you; from what you say, they've been a large part of your problem. Unless you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can totally avoid them if you go home, I urge you not to take the risk. The Bible's warning is true: "Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character'" (1 Corinthians 15:33).

The most important thing you can do as Thanksgiving approaches, however, is to turn to God and seek His help. God loves you -- and one reason I know this is because He has preserved your life. But more than that, almost 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ gave His life for you. He was without sin, but on the cross all your sins were placed on Him, and He died in your place.

By a simple prayer of faith tell God you know you need Him, and that you want Christ to come into your life -- and He will. Then thank Him every day for loving you and helping you.

Write to Billy Graham in care of Billy Graham Evangenlistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C., 28201 or visit the website at


Weekend on 11/09/2017

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