Other days


Aug. 11, 1918

HARRISON– Abe Broyles, of German ex- traction, was heavily fined Wednesday for appearing in public without any clothes while on his way to the swimming hole. His neigh- bors think he was trying to desecrate a good American landscape with another form of German frightfulness.


Aug. 11, 1968

m Bobby Brown, the pres- ident of Black United Youth, said Saturday af- ternoon that Larry Turner, the Negro youth who was shot in the leg in Friday’s racial disturbance, had been wounded before Patrolman Don Wood was injured by a flying brick. Police Chief R. E. Brians had said ear- ly Saturday morning that Turner had been shot after Wood had been struck by a brick and was lying helpless on the ground. Brians said Turner was advancing on Wood with another stone when he was shot by anoth- er police officer. At a press conference at the Union AME Church, Brown said Turner was shot by an offi- cer who had drawn his pistol while wrestling with another Negro youth. He said Wood was struck by the brick af- ter the shot was fired. The incident occurred as about 300 Negroes marched back toward the Dunbar Commu- nity Center at 16th and Ches- ter Streets after a memorial service at the county court house for Cecil Ingram Jr., 16, who was beaten to death last

week at the Pulaski County Penal Farm.


Aug. 11, 1993

m Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, whose health has been a recurring source of rumor and concern in Arkansas political circles, was listed in good condition in the in- tensive care unit at a Mayo Clinic hospital after an ep- isode of internal bleeding, his office confirmed Tues- day. Tucker, 50, interrupt- ed a holiday on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with his wife, Betty, to check into Rochester Methodist Hos- pital in Rochester, Minn., on Monday, according to a statement his office issued Tuesday afternoon.


Aug. 11, 2008

m Standing on the unfin- ished roof of North Little Rock’s William F. Laman Public Library, Director Jeff Baskin started to gently bounce up and down. “Feel how squishy it is?” Baskin asked on an afternoon last week while the support below him gave way just enough to make his visitors nervous. “We needed to do something here.” The fix has grown into a $2.4 million renovation to convert that open area above the two sto- ry library’s first floor into a 5,000-square-foot addition for the 38-year-old building at 28th and Orange streets. A larger computer area, a cof- fee shop, exhibit room and brighter, more energy-effi- cient lighting are among the plans.

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