Helpful Hints

DEAR READERS: Traveling to a foreign country with a pet requires preparation and planning. Here are some things to consider:

• First, please consult the U.S. Department of Agriculture's website ( for advice.

• All vaccinations must be up to date and administered in advance of the trip. Airlines and foreign countries will require proof.

• The European Union has an "EU pet passport" system that makes traveling with your pet through the EU easier.

• Do not give your pet anti-nausea or anti-anxiety medication unless your vet recommends it.

• Your pet will need a reservation, so make sure you discuss this with the airline before traveling.

DEAR HELOISE: As my father grew older, he would sometimes forget to turn off the ignition of the car. I made a large sign and placed it on the wall, at eye level, so that every time he drove in, he would see "Turn off the ignition, now!" I probably saved him from carbon-monoxide poisoning.

-- Frank F., Manassas, Va.

DEAR HELOISE: As a makeup artist, I have a few tricks up my sleeve on enhancing a woman's lips. Here are some of them:

• Wipe off lip balm before applying lipstick to get an even coverage.

• Always warm a lip liner for a few seconds by holding the tip in warm fingers before applying.

• Shine makes lips look bigger. No lip gloss handy? Use petroleum jelly to add that sexy look to your lips.

mA red lipstick with a blue undertone will make your teeth look whiter.

• A professional model will often keep her lipstick and indeed her makeup in a small, zippered, plastic bag with a chilled gel pack.

-- A Reader, via email

DEAR HELOISE: Is there a simple way to shine silverware?

-- Kat M., Stafford, Okla.

DEAR READER: A good tarnish-removing formula is to place a clean sheet of tinfoil in your sink or a bowl. Make a mound of salt in your hand and pour it in the bowl. Then do the same with a mound of baking soda. Pour in just enough hot water to cover the objects, and wait for a few minutes. You'll see it change before your eyes.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

MovieStyle on 11/16/2018

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