
Air show wonderful

Saturday we attended the air and space show Thunder Over the Rock at the Little Rock Air Force Base. It featured the Thunderbirds, Golden Knights parachute jump team, C-130J demo team, Tora Tora Tora re-enactment, and lots of aerobatic airplanes, and my favorite, Shockwave, the jet-powered truck.

There were static displays of all kinds of aircraft and a science festival and so much more. The weather was perfect and the swell of pride and patriotism filled the hearts and minds of all who attended. I can't begin to imagine the logistics of planning and executing a show of that scale.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who participated in giving us such a wonderful experience.



About voting choices

Last Thursday was early voting day for my household.

With reluctance, I voted "no" on Issue 2. The current iteration of voter suppression by photo ID follows a long line of tactics by the wealthy and powerful, including vote by property owners only and the more recent poll tax. All designed to keep the powerful in power.

So why the reluctance? The "sop provision" tacked on was for state-supplied (i.e., free) photo IDs for Arkansas residents. I would not be against a mandate for the great state of Arkansas to provide free photo ID for all residents, as people have many situations where such ID is useful, or even mandatory. Nor would I be against a system of proof of identity for voting.

I just don't want to endorse the current intent of suppression of the vote by poor people to be the primary goal.

On another matter, do not be misled by the news into thinking that Johnny Key is a dummy. He is not. He knows very well that poor school performance is most influenced by parental involvement and socioeconomic conditions outside of school. This prompts one to wonder why Key wants the power to dismiss teachers without fair review.

Anyone care to speculate on that?


North Little Rock

No excuse for attacks

Recently we have had some acts of terrorism. Last week pipe bombs were sent to Democratic people and CNN. In Pittsburgh, Pa., a hate crime where a shooter went into a synagogue and started shooting. In Kentucky at a Kroger supermarket, two African Americans were shot in the parking lot.

There is no excuse for this. Just because people are different because of race, religion or ethnic group doesn't mean they have to be targets. This is America. The land of the free. Our founding forefathers fought for freedom. We have the freedom of religion. The people Saturday gathered for a peaceful worship service. They weren't doing anything to anyone.

There is just too much hatred. Let's do away with Nazis, Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups, and swastikas and the Confederate flag. They are symbols of hate.


El Dorado

Simply being divisive

Politicians need to be very careful in how they represent themselves in political ads. Religious rhetoric has no place in these ads. By definition these advertisements infer why one candidate is better than another. Because a candidate belongs to a particular church does not tell the public what his or her views or capabilities are or why they are better qualified. It simply states that he/she is better than the opponent because of their religion.

In light of the recent shooting in a Pennsylvania synagogue, we need to make sure that religious affiliation is not part of the political determination, as this simply promotes denigration of others. Do we want the issue of religion to be so divisive? If you are not Christian but of another religious persuasion or no religious affiliation at all, does this make you less than? Does it say that others are not welcome to be a part of the political process or hold public office?

Religious beliefs are not necessarily personal beliefs. I do not care which church, if any, a candidate belongs to. I want to know what their qualifications are. What kind and how much education have they had? If running for attorney general, what kind of prosecutor were they? What was their success rate? Where they worshiped of if they worshiped has no bearing on capabilities.

Do you really think only Christians are pro-life? Do you think only Muslims are violent? Do you think only Hindus abstain from eating beef?

We must make our political process inclusive, not exclusive. Save your religion for your personal life.



Don't gamble on issue

Arkansas residents are smart. We don't believe the television ads that claim casino gambling in Arkansas is needed to keep money from leaving the state. The backers of casinos would have us believe that money will continue leaving in large amounts if we don't legalize more gambling for our state Constitution.

This is money that could be used to pay the rent and buy food and clothing for our children. Any tax benefits from casinos in Arkansas will be offset by the increased spending for crime prevention and programs for addicted gamblers. Tell the Oklahoma tribes pouring money into this constitutional amendment that Arkansawyers are smarter than this.

Vote no on Issue 4 this November.



Editorial on 10/31/2018

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