OPINION - Editorial

EDITORIAL: Quiet on set!

ARKANSAS' HISTORY of producing movies and television may not be as storied as California's, but we're starting to carve out a little piece of the market. Red carpet, here we come.

Good movies can be made in Arkansas (and not just the original The Legend of Boggy Creek). What about Sling Blade, filmed right here in The Natural State? Mud is another fine example. HBO trucks have been seen in northwest Arkansas.

And the good news keeps coming. Word floating around Jonesboro is that David Arquette is filming a movie there. Some sort of dark horror comedy. It's probably not for everyone, but we're happy to see film productions continuing in Arkansas.

As we attempt to lure in more movie productions from states like Louisiana--of all desolate places--some smart folk in our state government have decided to offer a 20 percent incentive on goods and services, with an additional 10 percent for Arkansas workforce, pretty much a labor credit for all Arkansas hires, so KATV reports.

The governor knows what's up. More movies. More exposure. More tax revenue. Check, check and check.

We're looking forward to seeing Mr. Arquette's latest. As for others seeking a spot to shoot their movie or television series, feel free to bring the cameras in. All right, Mr. DeMille, we're ready for our close-up.

Editorial on 04/25/2019

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