LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Not the way to do it; Pro-lifers not sincere; Protect our elections

Not the way to do it

I'm sorry, but who didn't know that opiates were addictive? How many doctors prescribe them without warnings? None that I've encountered. Same goes for pharmacists. Labels on bottles clearly indicate dosages and stipulate no refills allowed, excepting for the terminally ill or those with severe chronic pain.

Where are these victims? These people were by and large refusing to follow instructions, abused the drugs against medical advice, and chose to tickle their pleasure zones because they wanted to. They rolled the dice and a lot of them lost. Sounds like Darwinism to me. Suing the manufacturers is ridiculous. Another example of a "woke" society running off the rails.

Opiates are miracle drugs, and law-abiding citizens with genuine need for them should not have to jump through hoops to get them. They should not fall victim to the negligence of weak-willed abusers. I'm all for reining in Big Pharma on the cost of drugs, but suing them for their manufacture or legitimate promotion is not the way to do it.


Little Rock

They're not sincere

Where are the pro-lifers when you need them? We are having hundreds of mass shootings in this country, and not a peep from the so-called right-to-life group.

Why? Because they really don't care about life. If they were sincere, they would be all over our Republican congressmen to stop gun violence. I believe anti-abortion supporters are phony, hateful people who just want to force their will on a pregnant mother. They couldn't care less about the mother or the child. Every pregnancy is different, every woman's situation is different, and every woman must live with her decision.

Our country was founded on individual freedom and separation of church and state. Pro-lifers only believe this if it doesn't affect them.


Little Rock

Protect our elections

If the Senate does not take up the SAFE Act or a similar election integrity bill, no one will trust the election results, and that could very well be the straw that breaks our back as far as being a civil society and having any respect in the world.

The world is watching and waiting to see what we do.

If the GOP is the better party with the better platform for America, then it should be able to win in 2020 without cheating or lying. The USA needs action on this so that those results will be unquestionable.


Little Rock

Editorial on 08/29/2019

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