Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: As a veteran traveler, I've picked up a few "do's and don'ts" along the way:

• Do pack a hat of some kind -- knit for winter, and something to keep the sun off your face in warm climates.

• Do bring a gift if you are staying with someone else, or take that person out to dinner.

• Do pack a small traveler's first-aid kit.

• Do keep your shoes on while flying, especially when using the plane's lavatory.

• Don't pack more than one dressy outfit, and don't carry your wallet in your back pocket. Women should use a crossbody bag.

• Don't take a picture of anything if you've been instructed to not photograph.

• Don't pack more than two bags or one carry-on and one bag. Travel light.

-- Anita R. in Connecticut

DEAR HELOISE: If I am lucky enough to receive cut flowers, I have found that by adding ice cubes to the water, starting on day one, you can enjoy the flowers days longer.

-- Helen W., Manchester, N.J.

DEAR HELOISE: While visiting my son and his family, the morning was hectic. I opened the refrigerator to get some cream for my coffee and saw my daughter-in-law's car keys with the children's lunches. She said she sometimes misplaces her keys, so she puts them with the lunches so she can grab everything on the way out the door.

-- Patricia M., Potomac, Md.

DEAR HELOISE: As I've aged, I find it's harder to get a good night's rest. Falling asleep and staying asleep is so difficult. I'm up every couple of hours at night. I don't want to depend on sleeping pills. Got any hints?

-- Leigh N., Salem, Va.

DEAR READER: There are a few things you can try, such as adjusting the temperature of your room. Researchers say the best sleeping temperature is 60 to 67 degrees F. Try getting up and reading for a while to help you relax. Stay away from your phone and computer for at least one hour before bedtime. Think positive, happy thoughts (yes, it really helps). Are you under a lot of stress, feel depressed or have suffered a traumatic event? Sometimes these will trigger a bout of insomnia. If so, speak to your doctor about this. Don't drink alcohol before bedtime; you'll go to sleep but won't stay asleep. Try to relax and establish a regular bedtime every night.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

MovieStyle on 01/11/2019

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