Super Quiz: Nursery rhyme characters

  1. He said, "What a good boy am I."

  2. Her cupboard was bare.

  3. He asked the pieman to let him taste his ware.

  4. He kissed the girls and made them cry.

  5. He fell off a wall.

  6. She was unable to find her sheep.

  7. She found the pocket that Lucy Lockett had lost.

  8. He ran upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.

  9. He had three fiddlers.


  1. Little Jack Horner

  2. Old Mother Hubbard

  3. Simple Simon

  4. Georgie Porgie

  5. Humpty Dumpty

  6. Little Bo Peep

  7. Kitty Fisher

  8. Wee Willie Winkie

  9. Old King Cole

ActiveStyle on 06/17/2019

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