LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Voters, think about it | A perfect description | Care now exceptional

Voters, think about it

As an independent voter, and our presidential election coming in November, I can quickly identify three reasons not to vote for the incumbent office holder.

First, character. Second, leadership style. Third, how he handles his business operations. There is a plethora of information on these three items that can be found in the Democrat-Gazette, or other sources, if a person wants to learn more. As a voter, I believe these three traits are important for the leader of the largest country in a free world to possess.

There are voters who are not independent voters, or thinkers, who will disagree, I am certain, and they will find reasons to support this incumbent. However, if they choose to express their opinion, I would like to see them address at least one of three objections listed in this letter in their rebuttal. You notice I did not include any opinion other that my three generic traits. If I were adding a fourth trait, it would be his lack of truthfulness. If I were adding a fifth, it would be his constant need for praise. If I were adding a sixth, it would be ... well, you get the idea.


Bella Vista

A perfect description

Rarely has there been a more perfect description of the current occupant of the White House than the combination of Raouf Halaby's words and John Deering's illustration that graced the Perspective cover on Sunday. Halaby has provided an up-to-date account of the unraveling of our president as his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic has brought well-deserved criticism instead of the praise his ego demands. Deering has painted an amazing likeness of the angry man who would (like to) be king. The comparison to Shakespeare's King Lear is spot-on; the fawning Republicans, who were subjected to Trump's trashing during the 2016 campaign but now prop him up, make Lear's older daughters look like amateurs in expressing their support and adulation for their former enemy.

I keep wondering how his faithful will be able to continue their unabated support as the 2020 election nears. Perhaps they won't.


Little Rock

Care now exceptional

Recently, a family member became disabled, requiring a change from private insurance to Medicaid. They were upset, thinking medical care would be less than what private insurance provided. However, their care became exceptional with every issue addressed and treated.

ARcare staff go above and beyond by being attentive to every concern, with timely appointments and even follow-up phone calls to be sure needs are being met. This type of care never happened with private providers. Kudos to ARcare.


Little Rock

He's fulfilling his role

Ignorant media is so intent on ridiculing Trump on spitballing ideas on curing those sick with coronavirus. Trump is a manager. He throws ideas out and has employees work it out. Has anyone ever heard of chemotherapy? That "disinfectant" is given intravenously.



Let's recruit Michelle

I hate wishing for things that will not happen, but in this case I'm going to wish for it anyway. I wish upon a star that Michelle Obama would agree to be Joe Biden's choice for vice president.

Hoot and holler and laugh if you will, but adding her to the ticket would ensure Donald Trump would be a one-term, disgraced, impeached-for-eternity president. That woman on the ticket would solidify every segment of the Democratic Party--true-blue party loyalists, women and minorities, and a goodly number of Republicans (men and women) dog-tired of the Trump shenanigans, lies and foibles.

Intelligent-cubed, scandal- and rumor-free, the former first lady would excite the Democratic base like no other candidate. And she is the perfect fallback for any voter concerned about Biden's age or overall health.

She won't take the job; she's already been in that public bubble for eight excruciating years. And, as the "most admired woman in America" several years running, she simply does not need the hassle of being hassled throughout a months'-long presidential campaign. She won't take the job. Or ... would she if she believed her addition to the ticket would be the only way to oust Trump from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

And wouldn't it be a certified yee-haw moment to witness a debate between her and uptight Mike Pence? Now, that would be a pay-per-view moment in TV history.

Shoot, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that the current FLOTUS, Melania Trump, would vote for a Biden-Obama ticket ... anything to get out from under the microscope of living in the White House.

C'mon, Michelle. Give the country a little love. Sign up on Uncle Joe's team. Take one for the team!



Editorial on 04/29/2020

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