LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Well worth the cost | Advice on haircutting | Shortcuts are easier

Well worth the cost

Just wanted to say "Thank you" for providing your Gentle Readers with thoughtful insight on the editorial page. The value that I receive from the editorial page, and John Brummett's columns, are worth the annual subscription price all by themselves. I may disagree at times (surprisingly few) with the views presented, but I am always enlightened and often delighted.

Please continue to give all of us far more than the sound-bites and condensed news that appears on TV, radio, and--God help us--the Internet.


Hot Springs Village

Advice on haircutting

The letter from David Dickey concerning the need for haircuts struck a sympathetic chord. I'm sensitive to the issue because I've been cutting hair since I was 14 years old. No, I'm not a pro; just had a cheapskate mother who was very brave. Please let me offer a few helpful hints.

First, while our governor is doing a fine job, he was nicknamed Governor Combover for a reason. It doesn't look like haircuts are that high on his list. Secondly, if your ears still look good enough to be put on display, you should count your blessings. Finally, if a 14-year-old can cut hair, so can you. Just take off no more than a quarter of an inch at a time. That's about two weeks' growth.

As for me, I'll either get a good haircut when this bug is under control, or I'll get my mullet back. Good luck, David!



Shortcuts are easier

I think Donald Trump's thoughts on injecting disinfectants--head-scratching as they may be--are only another example of his aversion to actual work, his desire to look for shortcuts. Can't get the votes in the Senate? Take the nuclear option. Can't get your legislation passed? Dissolve the United States Congress. Don't want to take time to negotiate? Impose tariffs.

Some people might argue that these examples speak to his drive for results. I think it's a sign of impatience rooted in the fact that he's never had to actually earn anything, and has been allowed to be lazy his entire life. And before you bring up his real estate "empire," please keep in mind that he mostly sells the rights to the Trump "brand" instead of developing actual business or properties--yet another shortcut. It might be profitable, but it can hardly be called work.



Story sounds familiar

Students asked to present a short essay on the current president should be aware: Your teacher might accuse you of plagiarism from Shakespeare's King Lear. Thank you, Dr. Halaby, and thank you, John Deering, cartoonist. Two excellent artists.



Editorial on 04/30/2020

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