OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Think of simpler time | Trump loves country | Time for the question

Think of simpler time

As I enter the autumn of my life, I am astounded by what our country has become. Surely, one person cannot be responsible for this morass, but I think he did grease the slippery slope that accelerated our fast decline into chaos and hypocrisy. But I am an old man and I prefer to think about simpler times and beautiful girls of my youth.

These girls flash through my mind like calendar pages flipping over as in a movie to show the passage of time. I can never forget arm-in-arm moonlight strolls, the scent of shampooed hair, and sparkling eyes looking into mine. These are just some of the things I will always remember.

And I will never forget the excitement of space exploration and Apollo missions that demonstrated our technological advances for the world to see. I hope someday our youth can experience the same enjoyments in our country.

There is an old hymn that goes, "What a friend we have in Jesus/All our sins and griefs to bear/What a privilege to carry/Everything to God in prayer."

Pray for our country.


Bella Vista

Trump loves country

I continue to be baffled by supposedly smart people who cannot separate personality and policy. People who are offended by Trump's personality need to suck it up, hold their nose, and use their brain when they vote. Yes, Trump has many flaws, and his personality is a bit prickly, caustic, and abrasive, but that doesn't prevent him from being an effective president. I knew I wasn't voting for a Sunday School teacher when I voted for Trump.

Some of the policies fulfilling his campaign promises are stronger military, more favorable trade deals, reduced regulations on business (especially small business), bringing troops back from Middle East, prior to the pandemic the economy was stronger than in decades (and it is coming back quicker than expected), lower taxes, building the wall, trying to establish a more fair immigration system, and energy independence. He has consistently supported pro-life issues, and he supports the police; these are just some of the things Trump has accomplished during the last almost four years.

President Trump has condemned the riots that have happened in some of our major cities with Democrat governors and mayors.

Many of the BLM protests were nonviolent. But many became violent riots such as Portland where there was looting and destruction of property. It is stunning that, to my knowledge, Democrat leaders at their convention never condemned the riots.

One thing is clear to me: Trump loves our country. He loves the American people. He wants our flag and anthem honored, and is not shy about calling out people who disrespect them. I hope Democrats who are right of the progressives in their party will suck it up, hold their nose, and use their brain to vote for Trump.


Little Rock

Time for the question

In June 1954, U.S. Army counsel Joseph Welch asked Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy a question. That same question now needs to be directed to the current POTUS: "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"



Honest and intelligent

This is directed at Susan Jackson and her comments to John Brummett in a recent edition of the Democrat-Gazette. Ma'am (my Southern upbringing demands I use this term), your harsh words to Mr. Brummett should be like water off a duck's back to him. I hope I am only one of his many loyal readers to reply to you.

Mr. Brummett is a journalist--one who records his thoughts and experiences, so says Merriam-Webster. I believe his columns, or "records," are thought-provoking, honest, intelligent, and meant to add an extra dimension to his readers' experiences. His columns are often enlightening.

Perhaps you prefer to have a closed mind and read trivial dribble that doesn't affect you or cause you to think "outside the box." I suggest you change newspapers, as the Democrat-Gazette does not hire journalists who write such "dishonorable" information. Including Mr. John Brummett!



Choice for our future

The coming November presidential election offers a stark choice for voters: (a) keep the existing president, or (b) switch to someone new. Often when faced with such decisions, I consider which choice would be best not only for me, but for my kids and the future of our country and the world.

When I look at the path America traveled for the last three to four years and whether I want to stay on it for my kids and the young ones of our country, the answer is clearly no; I'm ready for someone that can be a positive leader going into tomorrow, defeat the beatable coronavirus, improve everyone's health care and then grow the economy for us all. I want a good person to be my president, who will make the best decisions and work to unite our sharply divided country. Someone with a big heart for others, not big money.

Additionally, the world has another tremendous threat, climate change, that our current president will fail to prepare for, but like the coronavirus, it will continue its march into our lives and the lives of our kids and grandkids with more impact each year. Like the coronavirus, it's a worldwide issue that needs a worldwide solution that starts now, before it's too late. Doing nothing should not be the choice. I urge my brothers and sisters in Arkansas to please vote for Biden and give our country and the world a chance to shift the impact of climate change before the opportunity is gone.

And if you are going to vote by mail, request your ballot soon and then return it as soon as possible; it must go only to your county clerk's election office. And stay safe.



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