OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: What has happened | They were Americans | Keep self, others safe

What has happened

I can remember waking up late on Sept. 11, 2001, and watching the second plane hit one of the Twin Towers behind Diane Sawyer. Like most Americans, I was shaken. I was a father of high-school-age children whose wife was caring for my mother. And while we were a world away from the event, we anxiously worried at the ramifications of such a despicable act.

It was people like our then-president, George W. Bush, and, yes, then-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani who stood tall and offered Americans an example to follow in this time of crisis. Fast-forward to 2020 and we have Giuliani acting like someone whose guardians lost track of and failed to give medications to. Today has him doing Trump's dirty work in what is becoming a presidential transition period any real American should be completely disgusted with.

What happened to you, Rudy?



They were Americans

It was a beautiful day, a blue sky with pleasant sunshine and a nice gentle breeze. As people began to gather on the steps of the state Capitol, you could literally feel the enthusiasm that surrounded the event. It wasn't a rally just for President Trump, and I wouldn't call them "protesters" who assembled there. They were Americans, of all races and social classes, who were there to honor this nation, its flag, and the republic for which it stands.

The beautiful strains of "America the Beautiful" came over the loudspeaker, followed by our singing of the national anthem during which all who were able to stood, hand over heart, as we gazed at Old Glory waving proudly in the breeze. If you weren't moved by this, then you weren't alive. Following that was the pledge of allegiance. Afterward, those who were able to knelt in prayer to the almighty God who gave us this incredible country.

The speeches, as well as the speakers, paid tribute to all who had sacrificed to make the freedoms possible for us to live in the most wonderful country in the world.

If loving this country, its values, its freedoms, and the very essence of what it is offends you, what are you seeking? Even with its faults it is still the envy of the world. We are blessed beyond reason to have what we do, and why try to change and even destroy the principles upon which it was built?

Sadly, in Sunday's Democrat- Gazette, a photo showing an extremely small portion of the assembly (and that from a side view) was the only mention of the event. It was deserving of more than that.


North Little Rock

Keep self, others safe

When doing an elbow bump: Do you know how many others, and their covid status, bumped that elbow, and how many sleeve sneezes you're getting and passing on?

Keep you and me safe: Mask up! Keep your hands and other extremities to yourself and keep your distance, and make sure you sanitized before and after when using public conveniences.

As Bill from Window World says: "Thank you for your time."


Little Rock

Living in two worlds

Historians say our current situation is much like that of our nation's civil war. The election shows both sides are almost equal in number. Both sides think the other side is the devil. How can we achieve unity?

As most Americans, I live in two worlds. The physical world is a place of work and commerce. It often celebrates winners and scorns losers. Being clever rather than being transparent is valued. Physical attractiveness often gets the position rather that competence. It's a world which takes the former owner of the Raiders' motto of "Just Win, Baby" as its motto.

There is a second world. It's the world of faith and spirit. Unlike the physical world, it's not tangible. The spiritual world values compassion rather than competition. You win by helping your neighbor and not exploiting him or her. This world produces much more winners than losers.

America is in a wrestling match. Jacob of the Old Testament was also in a wrestling match with an angel before returning into the land of Canaan. Are we like Jacob? The match between Jacob and the angel resulted in a stalemate. Jacob was hurt but came away with shalem. Shalem is a Hebrew word meaning wholeness, integrity and being at peace.

America has been hurt through our struggle, but like Jacob we will survive and become whole again.



New signs are needed

On a recent trip to the Bill and Hillary Clinton airport heading east on I-30 from I-430 at night, I noticed the large green interstate signs were unreadable. The reflectiveness had faded away. Someone not familiar with the highway would have difficulty finding the airport.

Seems to me the money wasted on speed-limit signs could've been put to better use. While changing the speed-limit signs to 75, they also added another sign limiting trucks to 70. Seems a waste.


Little Rock

Done more damage

I believe Donald Trump and his Republican fellow travelers have done more to undermine this country than all the communists and Nazis who ever lived. Why do they hate America?



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