Girlfriends matter, at any age!

Family is important in one's life but so are friends. Women need women friends!

A girlfriend is important in so many ways. They can be a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with or cry with, to commiserate with and to celebrate with. Whether you are 5 and having a sleep-over or 95 and talking on the phone, girlfriends are an important part of life. Some people may have one special friend, and others have many, the amount doesn't matter, but the time does. Whether you live near or far, taking time to connect with another woman will make a difference in your life. There are countless studies enumerating the importance of women friends in a woman's life. Developing strong and healthy female friendships is something all women can benefit from.

I was blessed to help facilitate a friends luncheon this week with my aunt.

Seven long-time friends who connected many years ago in the workplace, came together and shared a meal and visited.

It had been way too long since they were all together and they jumped at the opportunity to visit. The stories they told, the laughter and the energy in the room was amazing!

There was one daughter and one niece (me) who got to listen and learn.

I left one group of women friends and went with one of my friends to an art show. I value her friendship in so many ways. We understand each other, we validate each other, we share our innermost thoughts and feelings, we have fun together. She is my sounding board, and I am hers. We also ran into one of our favorite artists, Kathy Strauss,at the show.

It was a full and busy day, but I came away from the day energized and invigorated.

We all get busy in our lives and sometimes forget to slow down and connect with our friends. We get caught up with parenting, or taking care of parents, work or daily living and we miss out on girl time. I encourage you to make time for visits with your girlfriends. Pick up the phone and call one, or go enjoy a meal together, go shopping or go to an art gallery. Girlfriends matter!

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