Other days

100 years ago

June 26, 1920

• Earl Norman, 1423 Martin street, has a pet at his home that most any other boy would be glad to have, the same being a young eagle, a bird seldom seen in this part of the country. Young Norman found the eagle, which is about a month old, on the hill near the waterworks Sunday. The eaglet, being unable to fly, was sitting back on his haunches watching the world go by. He is about the size of a frying-sized chicken, but wouldn't make an agreeable playmate for a chicken because even now he eats big pieces of meat with relish.

50 years ago

June 26, 1970

• Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, director of the Labor Department's Women's Bureau, said Friday at Little Rock that "the one thing common to the whole country is sex discrimination." At the same meeting, Dr. Frank T. Troutman, an industrial specialist, said he questioned the "extent to which job discrimination against women actually exists." Both spoke at a meeting sponsored by the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women at the University of Arkansas Medical Center.

25 years ago

June 26, 1995

• After two days of presidential politics in his home state, President Clinton wrapped up his visit Sunday by spending most of his time with friends and family. Clinton lauded local businessmen and political leaders early in the day as he dedicated a renovated apartment complex in downtown Little Rock in honor of a former aide, Mahlon Martin. The complex will serve families with low to moderate incomes. "As a longtime citizen of this city, I used to run by this street almost every day of my life by these two buildings," Clinton said. "And I would think how beautiful they were and what a shame it was that they weren't being used in a productive way."

10 years ago

June 26, 2010

• Residents of a southwest Bono neighborhood have been told for a decade that a proposed $3.3 million lake project would alleviate the flooding that plagued the area every time hard rain fell. Now, 11 years after the proposal was first made, residents are beginning to see progress. Workers are building an 80-foot-long dam in a Crowley's Ridge valley about two miles north of Bono to stop up a creek and create a 120-acre lake. Officials have said the lake should be completed by early next summer. "We're moving along with this," said Craighead County Street Department supervisor L.M. Duncan, who came up with the lake idea in 1999 when he was mayor of Bono. Duncan envisioned that the lake would serve as a reservoir for the stormwater runoff and stop the flooding.

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