Bõlaide, May 22: Lalem men ko kwoj aikuj jelã kõn covid-19 ilo Arkansas

This undated electron microscope image made available by the U.S. National Institutes of Health in February 2020 shows the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus causes covid-19.
This undated electron microscope image made available by the U.S. National Institutes of Health in February 2020 shows the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus causes covid-19.

As our state deals with the spread of covid-19 in the midst of a global outbreak, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette will publish five things you need to know each week. We’ll be publishing these round-ups in English, Spanish and Marshallese. You can read our full coverage at arkansasonline.com/coronavirus/. Coronavirus coverage pertaining to crucial public health information will be available for all readers.

• Arkanja ewōr 5,458 confirmed keej in covid-19, ekkar ńan data ko raar likut mejatoto jibbońin Bōļaide eo. Ekkar ńan ripoot eo an State health officials, ewōr 110 oran armej im raar mej jen nańinmej in im 3,915 armej raar mour.

• Gov. Asa Hutchinson ekar kōjjeļa ilo Māe 18 raan eo ke aolep baar ko ilowaan kajojo restaurant ak imōn mōńā ko remaroń peļļok ilo ejja raan in ba kake. Likkun baar ko remaron peļļok ilo Māe 26.

• Officials ro rej plan wōt ńan kōmman teej ilo kajojo nursing home ko, ak imoko imōn ritto im rijerbal kin jońan lōńļok in 50,000 armej- Ilo Arkanja in ikkujen coronavirus im renaj kōmmane allōń in laļ, meļeļe kein raar waļok ilo Māe 18 raan eo.

• Website eo an state ijo im elōń armej rekar kanne ńan jaan in jipań jen federal pandemic Unemployment Assistance eo ekar shut down ak kun ilo jet raan ko rej mootļok, wāwein in ekōmman bwe en rumwijļok im waļok jońan lōń in armej raar kappok jipań. Ilo Māe 20 raan eo website in ear bar maroń jino jerbal.

• Kajojo team in ikkure ko an Jodrikdrik remaroń jinoe kōmelmel im kōmmani ikkure ko ilo Juun 1, ijo wōt ke enaj wor mọ ko. Camp ko renaj kōmman in boń renaaj peļļok ilo Māe 31, im rijerbal ro remaroń jino ripootļok ńan jikin camp ko ilo week in kenono kake, Hutchinson ear kwaļok meļeļe kein ilo Māe 21 raan eo.

Translated by Marshallese Educational Initiative staff

ENGLISH: https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/may/22/friday-may-22-five-things-know-about-covid-19-arka/

SPANISH: https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/may/22/viernes-22-de-mayo-cinco-hechos-importantes-sobre-/

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