A theme is emerging

It is no secret that I love the color orange. I got new patio table umbrellas this year in orange,

and as I was buying all the tropicals and annuals for the pots on the deck, a theme began to emerge. They are all growing superbly and you walk outside and the color just pops! One of my new favorite annuals the past few years are the Sunpatiens. I have some of the compact Electric Orange and they are stunning.

I also found a sixpack of a different series called Helio Flame orange which are in the series of Sunstanding impatiens.

My deck is full sun ever since I took down trees for solar power last year, and they are both standing up to the full sun just fine. The Helio is a safety orange rimmed in hot pink--sounds garish, but it rocks! To add to the annual mix I have some double orange zinnias, red pentas, and some Sriracha Pink Cuphea. I have quite a few bright orange hibiscus, some red mandevilla and the orange tecoma is doing quite well.

This year, I am trying some edibles on the deck as well.

I have a small garden with cucumber, tomatoes and squash that are growing well,

and my three pea plants are giving me a handful of edible podded peas daily,

and still blooming and setting more. I have some basil and thyme in containers and my olive tree has loads of small olives that are set.

I am waiting with bated breath to see if they will continue to grow. I would love to be able to grow my own olives! The fig tree is also loaded with figs. Along with everyone else, I have started feeding the birds more this year, and in addition to many feathered friends, I have seen more squirrels than ever before. One of our nightly entertainments is watching Petals chase the squirrels away. Something has decided to eat off all the LED lights off our outdoor lights! I am just hoping that they stay interested in the lights and the bird seed and stay away from my plants. I have my fingers crossed.

I am in my 6th or 7th year of raised beds in the front yard and I have been blessed with little animal damage. Something got my first cherry tomatoes this year, so I have pulled out the big guns--the motion-activated owl whose eyes light up and it hoots if you get close!

Bird netting is next.

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