Super Quiz: Six-Letter "Ice" Words

  1. They enforce the law.

  2. Shakespeare wrote: "There's small ------ in rotten apples."

  3. People will give it to you freely.

  4. An obituary is one concerning a death.

  5. Someone in a religious order who has not yet taken final vows.

  6. A thermometer is one that is used to measure temperature.

  7. The judge decided there was none of this "aforethought."

  8. A channel to drain or carry off surplus water.

  9. Attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage.


  1. Police

  2. Choice

  3. Advice

  4. Notice

  5. Novice

  6. Device

  7. Malice

  8. Sluice

  9. Entice

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