OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Shifting of goalposts | Overlooked big threat | Situation is familiar

Shifting of goalposts

If you want to measure how far the goalposts have moved for John Brummett and his fellow travelers, just take notice of how some names have been treated lately. Over 10 years ago, ol' Spanky wrote a column in which he wrote disparagingly about American exceptionalism. He called it a "partisan Republican tactic" spilling from the lips of Tim Griffin, the "Karl Rove disciple now going to Congress." You know, Karl Rove, that dark, diabolical political Svengali who tricked us into voting for that dastardly George W. Bush. An architect of evil, Spanky might have called it then, although that's pure speculation on my part. Spanky definitely didn't have anything positive to say about Karl Rove then, that's for sure.

Spanky continued in his column that American exceptionalism was "euphemistic" for American chauvinism, which "is not the same as patriotism, but an illogical and extreme version thereof." Spanky wrote that the "religious right has now embraced the phrase," and then proceeded to explain that we are not "exceptional" in a useful way.

Fast forward to Feb. 21 of this year, when Spanky wrote these words in his column: "A perfectly fine Karl Rove Republican such as Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin couldn't compete for governor" in 2022. Yes, that Tim Griffin. The same one who believed in American exceptionalism. Why? Well, because the GOP has become the cult of Trump. Let that sink in. The person who before was a "disciple" of an extreme right-wing evil person is now "perfectly fine."

The worst part of this is not one single liberal has written in and complained about characterizing anything done by Karl Rove as "perfectly fine." If that isn't a shifting of the goalposts, then nothing is.



Overlooked big threat

I agreed with Mike Masterson's column in last Sunday's paper about the dangerous erosion of truth in our society. Then I got to his examples.

He cited falsehoods from three past presidents, but somehow ignored the past president who started his term with the false claim that he had the largest crowd ever at his inauguration and ended it with the big lie that the election was stolen from him. In between he uttered or tweeted over 30,000 mistruths that were often repeated by Fox News and OAN.

While I agree with the need for truth from our politicians and media, I cannot understand why Mr. Masterson overlooked the blatant spread of falsehoods by the last administration and the right-leaning media. He can pontificate about the importance of truth, which I agree with, but his words ring hollow as he chooses to overlook one of the major threats to truth in our lifetime.


Little Rock

Situation is familiar

In December 1773, American patriots in Boston protested against the British decision to levy an unfair tax on the American colonies on tea imported from China. Known as The Boston Tea Party, the colonists dumped tea from British ships in protest of being taxed without representation.

This was the beginning of a War for Independence from Great Britain by the colonies. It was to be a long, bloody war taking on the most powerful military in the world. Odds were against them but those odds did not deter them from seeking freedom from the rule of what was a tyrannical government.

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress convened and declared independence from Britain in a document appropriately named "The Declaration of Independence." Though the war was far from over, many brave patriots signed the document at the risk of being held for treason against the crown. They loved liberty and freedom from an oppressive government more than they valued their lives and property, and established a republic.

This republic in time became the United States of America. Through a great war in which hundreds of thousands of Americans perished, this country was brought together again. Two world wars tested the resolve of a country to defeat other oppressive governments seeking to establish their will upon the world.

Now it seems we have begun to experience situations not unlike what the first patriots encountered, a government seeking to impose its will upon its citizens.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." (Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence)


North Little Rock

Made for a happy dog

Much has been written--deservedly so--about Paul Greenberg's career, but I haven't seen any stories about him as a dog lover. He lived in our neighborhood, and I remember him as someone who befriended our golden retriever.

Some years ago, Paul regularly walked or rode his bike in the neighborhood, and I saw him often while walking Molly, our golden retriever. She always sat when she saw someone in hopes of getting attention, and it usually worked.

The first time Paul saw her, he asked what her name was. After that, every time he saw us, he tipped his hat or tapped his bike helmet, and said in a courtly way, "Good morning, Miss Molly!" Paul enjoyed saying it, Molly was thrilled by his attention, and I was grateful that he took the time to make a friendly golden retriever happy.


Little Rock

Baseball fan no more

I am 75 years old. My father took me to my first Major League game when I was 5 years old. It was in Chicago between the White Sox and the Philadelphia Athletics. I have been a fan of the White Sox, Cardinals, Braves and Rangers over the years. I saw a playoff game and a World Series game in Atlanta. I was a baseball fan.

But no more. I am done watching, listening and reading about major league baseball. Its involvement in protesting voting laws is ridiculous and absurd. It has no business being involved in this issue. When it hires intelligent management with baseball as the focus, let me know.


Hot Springs

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