OPINION | A WORD: Creative Arkansans invent more new words

Here's our little just-funnin’ word column’s current challenge: Take an existing word and change its pronunciation by placing the emphasis on a different syllable. Use hyphens to help us pronounce your new word.

Inspiring examples:

From penultimate, penulti-mate is the last person you divorce before you marry the love of your life.

From stabilization, stab-ilization is the realization that you want to stab someone or that someone wants to stab you, or that you have just been stabbed.

Caps off to Robert Thomas, Jane Evans, Maria Castro and Song Fox for today's contributions:

From cookies, co-Okies are people whose common trait is being from Oklahoma.

From politics, pol-i-tics (say "pol-EE-ticks") are avaricious, bloodsucking candidates for public office.

From early, Earl-y describes a redneck, and ear-ly is how earworms get into our heads.

From nation, nat-ion is a national rehydrating beverage consisting mainly of electrolytes.

From triumph, tri-umph is when the third time's not the charm; or it might be the effort needed to lift three grandbabies into their car seats.

From manager, a man-ager is anything that makes Dad feel old, for instance, teenagers.

Can you top these? Send your new words to:



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