Other days

100 years ago

Jan. 18, 1921

• In spite of the fact that the Parental School, of which Miss Emma Rofman is teacher, is made up of boys who were habitual truants in the public schools, the school has established the record of having not one of its pupils absent in the last month. "This kind of school is a whole lot better than the other kind," said one little fellow yesterday, as two of the boys traded turns in shining each other's shoes. They had made their own bootblack stands, and they proudly showed the calendar stands, magazine racks, towel racks and other things they had made.

50 years ago

Jan. 18, 1971

• About 30 student body officers from the state-supported colleges and universities met Sunday to hear how they could help raise more tax revenues for higher education. They decided to hold a statewide rally February 4 at the Auditorium. At the rally, student leaders, alumni and civic leaders will advocate more revenue for the colleges. Governor Bumpers will be invited to speak. They also discussed the possibility of several statewide telecasts featuring the student officers. No dates were set.

25 years ago

Jan. 18, 1996

• North Little Rock Mayor Patrick Henry Hays will withdraw an ordinance that would require businesses to buy and install key lockboxes to allow for emergency access. The mayor said he prefers an ordinance being drafted under which all but the most problem-causing businesses would be asked to participate voluntarily in an emergency access system. He will withdraw the original ordinance proposal at Monday's meeting of the City Council. "I don't want to get government involved in people's businesses any more than absolutely necessary," Hays said Wednesday.

10 years ago

Jan. 18, 2011

• Instead of the horns and drums of marching bands, the sounds of a power saw, hammer and drill punctuated Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday in the Sherman Park neighborhood of North Little Rock. A group of volunteers from several nonprofit organizations descended upon the old Rock Island Argenta Depot at Fourth and Beech streets Monday to commemorate the civil-rights icon's birthday with a day of service on behalf of the Reaching Our Children and Neighborhoods organization. More than 60 people -- adults and children -- spent part of the day landscaping, painting and doing other projects in the old brick building the nonprofit uses to provide meals, tutoring, shelter and mentoring to at risk youth.

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