OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: War is not necessary | Bought and paid for

War is not necessary

Dr. Bradley Gitz painted a very one-size-fits-all picture of how "war happens" in his recent column. And it is easy to think back on the months prior to World War II and recollect those moments. The reality today is, however, quite different.

For every WWII-like example, when military might reigned, there are more where negotiations, consultations and discussions between nation-states/parties involved lead to a nonviolent, no-war situation, where compromises are made and armed conflict is avoided.

Don't take my word for it; check out the work of the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague, where nation-states regularly turn to resolve difficult conflicts peacefully. Or explore the 2011 book by Erica Chenoweth called "Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict." She and her co-author have reviewed hundreds of conflicts since 1900, both large and small, and show evidence to demonstrate where nonviolent solutions have ruled in the final analysis.

By comparison, there are more of them than the other. Because nonviolent outcomes are often considered "messy and indecisive," the authors also show how nonviolent solutions provide for better long-term outcomes.


Little Rock

Bought and paid for

Any elected official who is against a movement to allow Medicare to negotiate with drug companies to reduce the exorbitant cost of medication deserves nothing less than to be ousted in the next election.

Without putting too fine a brush to it, they are bought and paid for by big company campaign contributions.

Think! Why are folks buying needed medications in Mexico and Canada? They are cheaper because this country's created a system that does not make drug companies accountable for exorbitant pricing.

The U.S. encourages high drug costs by allowing full-bore access to elected officials by big pharmaceutical lobbyists who "buy" influence via campaign cash.

And we keep electing these yahoos over and over. Term limits would go a long way to help move "honesty" back in politics.



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