A busy week with friends and fun!

This was another full week of fun and friends, and I didn’t take any people pictures except for Friday and today!  I am losing my touch.  We had a nice break from the weather early in the week, but I am back to watering daily again.  I even saw the first mums of the season for sale this week.  


I personally think it is way too early to plant them, but if you are having a party go for some fast color.  They won't last long in this heat though.

Clay and I went to dinner and drinks with friends on Monday, where I toured her new native plant garden,


(and got all my mystery plants for the week).  Then I had a friend for dinner Tuesday evening, and we solved all the problems of the world that night.

On Wednesday, I joined more friends for a cocktail party, then Clay and I went with Dan and Lou to the Grumpy Rabbit for a great meal and visit.  They spent the night, and I cooked them breakfast before they departed, and I went to a doctor’s appointment to get released with my broken wrist.  It is still not 100% but a good 85%, and it isn’t keeping me from doing anything.

Then Friday was a full day of cooking for a friend’s birthday.


 We had a great group of friends together and we had a lot of laughter along with a good meal.


 I found some new recipes that are keepers—looking for a quick and EASY appetizer?  Soak some grapes (any variety) in a bottle of sparkling wine (any type) overnight in your refrigerator. They can be eaten plain or dusted with sugar.


 Or you can freeze them and put them in your drinks. Quite tasty and oh so easy, and with all three colors, they were pretty too.

Then I went to another friend’s house on Saturday for a visit and topped off the week with book club today!  


 There is nothing I like better than entertaining, cooking and visiting with friends. Thank goodness I am retired so I can do it as often as I want!

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