OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The American dream | Party once was sane | Timing questionable

The American dream

So we have all these people escaping their harsh environments wanting us to welcome them in. Pay their bills. Bring them happiness. Joy. The American dream. What if what we are really doing is inviting in the people who are responsible for their own country's demise? Seems they have a lot of natural resources; why can't they make an honest living in their own country? We send billions to protect Ukraine's borders and seem to leave ours wide open. You know a lot of those oppressed people are fat. How is that possible?

I think this is all by design; it could not happen without great logistic organization. Food, water, shelter; somebody is paying for it. Why?

I believe the left hates America. America lifts the world up. The left wants to bring us down to the lowest common denominator. They of course will live in excess because, after all, they are the real saviors of the world, a god unto themselves since they do not recognize any other god.



Party once was sane

Having read in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette the U.S. Republican Party's agenda for the coming year, it makes me wonder if this was the agenda their voters wanted.

Surely they cast their votes for the Republicans with the intent that the party would look at ways to fight inflation and lower gas/oil prices, consider aid to our drought-stricken farmers across the nation, address the rising cost of food and danger of climate change, and other such very important issues rather that seek ways to divide the country even more by "investigating" petty areas that need no such thing.

I guess there is no way back to the sane party of yesteryear.



Timing questionable

I am kind of over the $2 million used in Park Hill to replace sidewalks and planters with yet more sidewalks and planters. But now who thought it was a good idea to redo the medians on McCain Boulevard?

I suppose updating or upgrading them may be overdue. My question is: Whose idea/plan was it to do it now? During the holiday shopping season. And right in front of Lakewood Village and McCain Mall.

This area is congested enough on a normal day. But with holiday shopping, brilliant!


North Little Rock

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