Pine Bluff letter


Bible cast aside

Editor, The Commercial:

The Holy Bible tells us that thousands of years ago, the Lord sent down fire from heaven and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin of sodomy – men having sex with men and women doing the same with other women.

The Bible also says in Malachi 3:6 "I am the Lord. I change not." Yet here in America, our Democratic-led Congress with the help of some Republicans, have passed legislation protecting same-sex and interracial marriage and President Joe Biden has signed it into law. This is the root of what is wrong with America; some of our political leaders are disregarding the teachings of the Bible in favor of pleasing the lesbian and homosexual element (sodomites) in our nation.

They are bending over backwards in favor of the element that accuses Christians of hate, because we stand with God's word. I am thankful for our state's four legislators who voted against the legislation; Reps. French Hill , Bruce Westerman, Rick Crawford and Steve Womack, and I am thankful for Arkansas, which I consider the lifeboat on the ship of fool, which America has become under the Democrats in Washington.

Jack Mayberry


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