Mystery plants: Pothos, Chinese evergreen, and Calathea

I have been impressed with everyones knowledge of houseplants with our two weeks of houseplant mystery plants. Good job!  


Pothos is a vining houseplant that is often mistaken for heart-leaf philodendron.  Pothos tends to have a slightly thicker leaf and stem and is quite resilient, making it a good choice for new gardeners.


 It can come in solid green or yellow, or several variegated patterns with white or yellow variegation.  Marble Queen is a common older variety with white spots, but several newer varieties are on the market as well.


 Bright indirect light is great. If light levels get too low on variegated forms, they may revert to more green leaves, but they will still live. 

Aglaonema – Chinese Evergreen 


is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. There are a variety of variegated forms.


 Native to the Philippines, this plant will tolerate relatively low light levels and still survive. It can also tolerate dry conditions, so don’t overwater. If you see it wilting, water it well and it will bounce back.

Calathea picturata, 

commonly called prayer plant or peacock plant is Native to Brazil.  This clumping houseplant has bold variegated leaves, with this variety having dark green leaves with silver-colored veins and midriff, and purple below.
 As a member of the "prayer plant" family, it may open and close its leaves in response to light and darkness. It prefers medium to bright indirect light. The Calathea picturata is known for the intense color in the center of its leaves surrounded by a band of green. This can be a more challenging houseplant to grow than some of the others.

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