OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Meet in the middle | Where is the outrage? | Voter Guide helpful

Meet in the middle

If you want my vote, identify a problem and share a solution. Quit calling other's names and putting labels on them. We are all a lot more alike than we are different.

Some Christians don't act like it. They want a Taliban kind of power. Get the log out of your eye before trying to remove the splinter from your neighbor's. Many people today would fail a civics class. Everyone has a place in the USA. Your rights end where the next man's begins. Practice your freedom to worship in your home and house of worship.

Extremists in both parties are tearing this country apart. Many Republicans are playing hide-and-seek: Hide from the truth about Donald Trump, while seeking power at any cost. Men of conscience should acknowledge the truth. Trump, I understand, was caught lying over 30,000 times.

You can't have it only your way, not in a true democracy. Try meeting in the middle. Give me a reason to vote for you (either party). Put hate aside and try a little kindness. God will love you more also. Smile and be happy!



Where is the outrage?

According to gunviolencearchive.org, if I am reading their information correctly, over 500 children between the ages of zero to 17 have been killed by guns this year. Over 1,200 of that same age group have been wounded. Yet I see no mass protests, no demonstrations, no taking over of city blocks, no one seemingly demanding "change."

These are children killed in their homes by drive-by shooters, the lowest form of coward there is; children killed by people just shooting into cars at drive-throughs; children shot caught in crossfire between murderous cowardly gangs who don't care who gets hurt or killed. And yet I don't see much reaction from alleged leaders except that "stronger gun laws" are needed.

Bull. The folks doing these cowardly killings don't care one bit about more laws. They kill children. More laws will not deter them. My question is this: Where is the outrage? Where are those who scream about every other issue yet are strangely silent on the hundreds of children being shot and killed? Pitiful. Just pitiful.



Voter Guide helpful

Thank you for providing the 2022 Arkansas Voter Guide in the May 8 edition of the newspaper. It was very comprehensive and extremely helpful for me. I particularly appreciated finding so much election and candidate information in one spot without having to search online for answers to my questions.

Great job! I hope that this is something you will do for every election.


Little Rock

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