Super Quiz: What Word?

1. What word is normally spoken at the end of a Christian prayer?

2. What word can refer to a tree covering or the sound made by a dog?

3. What word can mean a body part, a chair part or part of a sea?

4. What four-letter word meaning "poet" is often applied to Shakespeare?

5. What word can follow the words "sugar," "punch" and "soup" to produce the name of a household item?

6. What word is a combination of "Bombay" and "Hollywood"?

7. For what word did the "Scarlet Letter" stand?

8. In the NATO phonetic alphabet, what word is used for the letter "B"?

9. What five-letter word means "a characteristic language of a particular group"?


1. Amen

2. Bark

3. Arm

4. Bard

5. Bowl

6. Bollywood

7. "A" for Adultery

8. Bravo

9. Argot

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