April Activities

It is prime gardening season.  Many plants are rebounding, while some others are not.  I am slowly beginning to wean dead limbs and plants from the garden. I am also starting to plant.  I am fortunate that some companies send me plants to trial.  This was one of the best shipping jobs I have ever seen for plant transport this past week. 


There are also a whole host of gardening activities to keep your interest high.  Master Gardener plant sales are occurring almost every weekend


--check with your local county or visit the website to see when and where they are.  Access Schools on Mississippi in Little Rock,kicked off their plant sale


the Monday after Easter and are open weekly from 8:30 - 2 through June 3.  We had a lot of interested shoppers


on opening day and they have a great plant selection.  I also had a great time in Nevada County on April 15 with their Time to Till program.


 What a wonderful facility they have to meet in, and such a dedicated group of Master Gardener volunteers.  In between all of this, I got to attend a 50th wedding anniversary surprise party, a party at a friend's house, a baby shower, and numerous zoom sessions.  

And last but not least, was my birthday week.  I had dinner with friends,


family, and then Clay had a party for me yesterday.


 It was kind of nice to sit back and enjoy a party at my house,


and so much fun surrounded by good friends. I forgot to take pictures until towards the end!


  Thanks to all who came to celebrate, sent cards, emails and texts--I do love a celebration!

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