More life in the garden!

Gardeners everywhere are still concerned about plants in their garden--are they alive, or are they dead?  While patience is not my strong suit, it is paying off.  I thought my pineapple guava was a goner, and lo and behold, I have a lot of sprouts growing from the base.  


The same thing is happening on my dwarf gardenia


and evergreen viburnum.  


My standard gardenias are leafing out all along the stems.


This week I will work on pruning all the dead tops off of plants that are only growing from the base.  This includes my big leaf hydrangeas


and the buddlea (butterfly bush). 


I am still holding out hope for my sasanqua camellias, but it may be wishful thinking.  They had put on some tiny new leaves and those have died as well.  I am so sad. 


I am starting to clean up the garden, plant pots, and add seasonal color. There is plenty of work to be done in the garden.  We just have to find enough dry days to get it done.

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