OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Worst representative | Race to the bottom | Re-do his caricature

Worst representative

From Jan. 6 until Tuesday, I was sure that Richard "Bigo" Barnett was the worst sort of representative of our fine state. Clearly afflicted with some degree of oppositional defiant disorder or psychopathy. Every picture of him along with a shady reference to our state has made me cringe. I wondered what could have stunted his common sense and damaged his moral compass.

Tuesday's column by John Brummett made it clear that a decent upbringing and education does not always lead to wisdom. His column was dedicated to demeaning the integrity of the voting majority of Arkansas that elected Sarah Sanders. For whatever reasons, it seems he is determined to find opportunities to besmirch our conservative Christian values and particularly throw darts at our governor. Brummett's statement that "Arkansas is now governed by tactical cultural fear rather than practical reality" is a slap in the face to the majority of voting Arkansans.

Conservative values, sir, are based on the Holy Bible, e.g., God's word. I believe those who are opposed to God's word are in the minority in this state. Mr. Brummett, if you feel wiser than your creator, take it up with him and leave Arkansas' majority of conservatives out of your line of fire. Speaking of "fear," maybe you should think about the ultimate face-to-face encounter with your creator.



Race to the bottom

Got a telephone call from my kinfolks in Louisiana and Mississippi, congratulating me on our new governor. They couldn't understand how we could elect a person without qualifying education, work experience, or training to be governor. Her only work experience was as the third-string press secretary for Donald Trump. They said, "we can only aspire to that, now we won't be last in everything."


Hot Springs Village

Re-do his caricature

I often read Robert Steinbuch's columns just to get a rise in my Sunday morning tedium. Paper and coffee in tandem, I can always count on Steinbuch's conservative outrage to first amuse and then dismay.

How can such a learned mind harbor so much animus for anything one click to the left of Heritage Foundation doctrine? How can an enlightened mind be so closed?

My suggestion: Have John Deering redraw Steinbuch's editorial illustration to something resembling a scowl, with perhaps a little drool on the chin.


Little Rock

Is there a connection?

A random thought on a stormy evening: Is there a correlation between Arkansas as a red state and Arkansas as a haven for puppy mills?


North Little Rock

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