OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Help folks, raise cash

Help folks, raise cash

With summer upon us, no doubt there will be many, many fundraisers for church groups, ball teams, youth groups, etc. Usually the main activity is a car wash or something similar. May I offer some alternate, more beneficial suggestions?

Many people need help with yard work, either due to physical problems (such as me with a bad knee) or lack of equipment; people who simply cannot do the work. People need houses cleaned, limbs picked up, raking done, dogs walked, errands done. There are many ways groups can earn money which can provide needed services to a lot of people.

Having a table set up in front of a grocery store is not the best way to get people to support a team or organization. Get out and actually provide needed services for people who would greatly appreciate it, as well as pay for it.

So many ways to get your group the money it needs. Not to mention helping people.



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