Stories by Karen E. Segrave

  • Amazing graze

    Ellen interrupted my afternoon spa facial to ask me if I wanted to see an elephant. “Huh? What?” I asked.

  • Angels’ view

    I knew this was going to be a difficult hike when, after less than one-half mile, I had to ask for the trekking poles. The overly attractive twentysomething wo…

  • Potter’s field

    In these recessionary times, reliable flying brooms are beyond the reach of ordinary mortals.

  • Just winging it

    MOUNT NEBO STATE PARK - Ricker Goldsborough caught a great thermal and just kept on climbing.

  • More than skin deep

    Shawne Ballard dreams of going to Rome to see Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel art, but he doesn't have to. All he has to do is take off his shirt.

  • More than skin deep

    Shawne Ballard dreams of going to Rome to see Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel art, but he doesn't have to.

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