Style: All about sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes. They’re supporting players on Thanksgiving dinner tables across America. But beyond sweet potato fries and the holiday spread of pies and casseroles, these super tubers tend to get ignored and overlooked. At least by many American cooks.

That’s a real shame.

Sweet potatoes are delicious and nutritious. And they’re a staple in soul food and many other cuisines around the globe. And they should be in your kitchen, too.

The nutritional powerhouse — 1 medium sweet potato contains about 120 calories, 2 g protein, 27 g carbohydrate (9 g sugar; 4 g fiber), 347 mg potassium, 400 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and 15 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B6 — originated in Central or South America, but made its way across the Pacific to Polynesia long before Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic in search of a water route from Europe to Asia.

For more and several recipes, read Wednesday’s Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Style.

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