Bond change axes Homer's at airport

City officials said housing a Homer's restaurant at the municipal airport is no longer in the plans because the $4.5 million revenue bond the council approved earlier this year wouldn't allow for the place to be built.

Danny Bradley, chief of staff for Mayor Joe Smith, told the communications department that the restaurant was no longer part of the $5.7 million expansion and improvement plan for the airport.

"We are looking at other options right now," spokesman Jim Billings said.

Billings said the decision wasn't made because of the $10.87 million for the city's planned Justice Building, which will serve as the new headquarters for the Police Department and courts.

The City Council approved in September a $10.87 million bond issue to build the new police and courts building and repealed its earlier passage of a $4.92 million bond issue that would have financed improvements at the airport.

The council had split, 4-4, on Aug. 26 on an ordinance that combined the passage of the two bond issues into a single vote. Smith cast the deciding vote for a 5-4 approval.

Improvements that were scheduled for the airport at 8200 Remount Road included a general aviation center, a corporate aircraft hangar, expanded parking and a restaurant. The aviation center and the restaurant would be leased to private businesses to operate

Smith has said previously that he'd asked the City Council to repeal the airport bonds because of questions about how the bonds could be used, saying that having previously combined the two bond issues into one piece of legislation could jeopardize the police and courts project.

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