The rain helped our gardens

We were fortunate in Little Rock to get almost 2 inches of rain this weekend. It came down low and steady, just what the doctor ordered to give our plants a nice drink. My garden was getting dry. I have heard reports from other places in Arkansas that they didn't get any rain. If you didn't get rain, I hope you are watering. Spring blooming plants are setting flower buds, and fall annuals and vegetables need that drink to keep growing. My vegetables loved the good drink. My vegetables are looking great, with the ettuce

and broccoli

doing amazing, but obviously someone else likes my bok choy!

I think a lot of gardens are doing really well this season. I was at the Pulaski county extension office this week and Randy showed me their demonstration garden.

It is still producing and they are gradually converting to fall crops. Any thoughts on what type of winter squash this is?

Randy said they weren't sure, since the seeds came from one of their staff members who brought seeds from Equador. The vines are extremely prolific and these were two of their smaller fruits!

It isn't just vegetables that are doing well. I have a lot of color on Encore azaleas

and I really love this variety - Autumn Sunburst.

I have my first open bloom on my tea camellia - camellia sinensis,

but none on the sasanquas yet, but they are loaded. I also got a surprise in the hellebores. Many are beginning to put on new foliage as cool weather arrives.

NOw is a great time to clean up the old leaves that may be a bit bedraggled. I was doing a little clean up and found 2 blooms!

On OCTOBER 11! These are on Josef Lemper which is my earliest bloomer, but never this early.

I am gradually converting from summer to winter color, but I still have plenty more planting to do, but I like the blended color.

I also really like this golden pothos houseplant.

It has thrived outdoors all summer. I may even move it inside.

It warmed up a bit this past weekend, and with higher humidity it wasn't as pleasant indoors at my house. I am ready for another cool down. More gardening in my forecast.

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