Getting back into the groove

This week was a whirlwind of activity.  I toured a fabulous butterfly garden


for an upcoming story last Monday morning, then prepared a meal for my book club that night.  


They left, and we started my on-line book club.


 I love discussing books with friends.  Sometimes we agree with what we read, and sometimes the perspectives are so different.  It was really interesting hearing two groups discuss the same books, and how different each group was.  If you are not in a book club, I would recommend you start one. It really is fun.

Then Tuesday night,


a group of us went to the Juneteenth dinner at the Grumpy Rabbit and had a wonderful time and ate some wonderful food.  

Thursday was our anniversary, but we put off celebrating until Saturday since I was getting ready for a big party on Friday.  I did get my cast off that morning, and now just have a brace that I can take off and on. It is healing nicely!

On Friday, a slew of people came together to honor Martha Ray


on her retirement and move to Mississippi.  It was a great mix of work friends, Rotary friends, condo friends, and family.  It was great catching up with some folks I hadn't seen in ages,


and making new friends.  Saturday, I cleaned up and got the house back in order and then Clay and I went to the Red Oak Steakhouse at Saracen Casino


for a really outstanding meal.  


On Sunday I did a little cooking for a friend and went to visit them, but otherwise took it easy.   A very fun, and full week of friends and family.  And of course, I watered every day as well.  Boy was it hot!

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