
CACHE attends first selective Arts Legislative Fly-in to discuss arts funding with senators, congressmen

During the Americans for the Arts Legislative Fly-in, Kelsey Howard, director of Arts Services and Strategic Partnerships for the Creative Arkansas Community Hub and Exchange (CACHE), began to build relationships with Arkansas congressmen and senators to speak in favor of the life-changing effects of arts funding. Future years might focus less on new sets of data and more on digging into what they're learning from it, bringing new potential with decision makers of our country.

(Courtesy Photo/CACHE)
During the Americans for the Arts Legislative Fly-in, Kelsey Howard, director of Arts Services and Strategic Partnerships for the Creative Arkansas Community Hub and Exchange (CACHE), began to build relationships with Arkansas congressmen and senators to speak in favor of the life-changing effects of arts funding. Future years might focus less on new sets of data and more on digging into what they're learning from it, bringing new potential with decision makers of our country. (Courtesy Photo/CACHE)

When considering where local arts organizations can get funding, the federal government may not be the first source that springs to mind. But Kelsey Howard, director of Arts Services and Strategic Partnerships for the Creative Arkansas Community Hub and Exchange (CACHE), knows well the opportunities that await a D.C.-to-Arkansas

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