Shows stark contrast

Shows stark contrast

The recent GOP debate (not really

a debate, but rather a series of interview

questions with little candidate

interaction) served to illuminate a

stark contrast between our president

and his would-be successors.

I believe President Barack Obama

presents himself as

a true statesman, a

quality not seen

in any of the 16

Republican candidates.

His superior

intellect, charisma,

dignity, vision for

America and, especially,

wisdom set him apart as well.

His naysayers and denigrators should

peruse the more than 200 verified accomplishments

of his administration

listed on various websites on the Internet,

a list that probably will not be

discussed on Fox “Noise.”

I believe his legacy as a good liberal

will put him in good stead with other

outstanding liberal presidents such

as Teddy and Franklin D. Roosevelt,

Harry Truman and John Kennedy.



You’ll vote for Trump

A number of you are in a state of

shock after reading the title. Cut this

out and keep it somewhere safe.

I believe Donald Trump will be the

Republican party candidate in 2016.

His popularity is rooted in the discontent

of the majority of voters in

this country.

Many like myself don’t participate

in polls and never appear on mass

media. We the people have strong

opinions and express them through

our vote. We listen to what is said

by others because we are polite and

interested in their thoughts and opinions.

The Democratic Party shot its wad

on the current administration and is

perceived as coming up short. Does

anyone really want Bill Clinton to be

America’s next first lady?


White Hall

Coach teaches respect

A reader recently stated his disgust

with Coach Bret Bielema and his

staff for measures of discipline.

Let me tell you, my friend from

Pottsville, I think a lot of people, including

the parents of these players,

should thank

Coach Bielema

and his staff for

trying to install

words such as

“code,” “honor”

and “respect”

into these young men. If needed,

he can remind them that they have

been given a chance that a lot of other

prospective athletes from around

the world did not get, to complete a

sound education with the great benefits

of a top-notch university.

Whether it be three seconds or 30

seconds, being on time is respect, not

only to yourself but the people who

work with you and around you.

From the sound of your letter, an

investment in a good watch or alarm

clock would be a great start for you!



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