
Not why it was built

In response to the letter "America is not Berlin" by Samuel Andrews in Russellville, he obviously didn't understand why the Berlin Wall was built. It was built by the Russian communists who had taken control of the government to keep the citizens from escaping from this communist dictatorship. It was not built to keep other people out of Berlin. President Reagan even told the Russian leader, publicly, to "Tear down that wall!" Yeah, everyone who was being held captive by the Russians certainly was extremely happy when that kind of law came down.

I strongly recommend getting the historical facts correct from a reliable, truthful source.

President Reagan was, obviously, very much against communism, and President Trump is also very anti-socialism and communism. Reagan was certainly a very strong conservative president, as is President Trump.

I believe the Russians really did not want Trump to win the election. You may be absolutely certain that there was no possibility of any collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. They would much rather have had the far left-leaning Hillary Clinton in power. Remember that uranium deal?


Hot Springs

Nonfunctional D.C.

I can only conclude that we have a totally nonfunctional broken government. Neither side is right in this current situation. It is totally non-acceptable to shut down the government over the schoolyard approach to the current subject. Why not eliminate congressional salaries until we come to a solution?

The only possible solution here is to open the government and then act like mature adults in arriving at some kind of solution that both sides can live with, as there is nothing that both sides can agree to. As long as our political system conducts business as if it were at war and one side must win, there will be no acceptable solutions.

I cannot adequately express my disgust, frustration and lack of respect for our congressional and executive branches of government at this point.


Bella Vista

Integrity on their side

It would be interesting to know why the sponsors of the new casino amendment to the state Constitution included Pope County as a place where you could have a casino. It's very obvious that the people of Pope County want nothing to do with having one in their county. Did the sponsors figure that everything has a price? If so, it's beginning to look like they were sadly mistaken.

I have to admire the people of the Russellville area. They appear to have integrity on their side.


North Little Rock

Editorial on 01/22/2019

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