
Protect environment

Everyone who breathes air and drinks water cares about Arkansas Senate Bill 550--which would transfer hog and other farm permitting authority from one state agency to another and allow people applying for manure waste system permits to waive public notification requirements--no matter what work you do or how you live. It affects the basics for survival in this world.

As individuals, we should not consider giving up our health and well-being for money or power. If we don't, as a society, change our attitudes and expectations for our lives, we will never be happy. We will never conquer the things that bring us down. Say hello to more stress and resulting disease. They are the friends of misplaced priorities.

Farmers, non-farmers, everybody: Protect our environment.


Little Rock

Strange silence

As disgusting and bizarre as President Trump's attacks are on the late U. S. Senator John McCain, a decorated veteran whose courage and heroism are unquestioned, it is equally strange that Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, a colleague of the late senator and a veteran himself, has not spoken up in McCain's defense. The Ranger Creed says that we will never leave a fallen comrade. But I suppose it's fine to trample on his grave, right, Tom?



Standing up to bullies

I want to commend Sen. Stephanie Flowers for standing up to bullies that are undermining our democracy. This unconscionable "stand your ground law" is not justice, but legalized killing. This does nothing but embolden those who for whatever reason fear those that are different than them, or those who seek to prove their superiority by toting a gun, looking for trouble.

It seems our Republican senators and representatives have gone gun-crazy (paid for by the NRA) for anyone and everyone to tote guns anywhere and everywhere. How is a police officer going to know, when there is a mass shooting, who the shooter is when everyone is firing a gun? Have they no shame for the children that have been slaughtered? Innocent churchgoers? Trayvon Martin (wearing a hoodie), with George Zimmerman protected by the "stand your ground law"?

Ignorance and bigotry. If there is not justice for all, we are a country divided. Who's next? To purchase a gun, I believe everyone should be required a background check and register their guns. This includes all purchases, including gun shows.

Again, Senator Flowers, thank you for your bravery and commitment to justice and the law.



All a terrible dream

Just picture this: It is the year 2030, one year before the world ends (according to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez). The Democrat Party succeeded in changing everything, implementing every policy their fertile minds have conceived. The Green New Deal, which eliminated all fossil fuels, plastic bags and straws, and cows, along with complete renovation of all buildings and houses, is now fully engaged. Single-payer health care (aka Medicare for all) has become law. And socialism has replaced capitalism as the economic standard.

You have to ride your bike to work (if you have a job) and haven't had a vacation because you don't have a car (only permitted for Hollywood and politicians) and all commercial air travel has ceased (except for the elitists, of course). Straws are only found in museums now. You haven't had a hamburger because what few cows are left are in zoos. You have to live in a tent because you couldn't afford to upgrade your house to government standards. Since electric grids no longer function due to regulations you have to use a flashlight for illumination.

Of course, since the government controls all health care, you must wait long hours in queue to see the few doctors who will practice medicine. It doesn't matter; your Medicare premiums have soared because somebody has to pay for adding illegal immigrants to it. And finally, since socialism has collapsed the country into chaos, you dream of a Venezuelan resort somewhere.


North Little Rock

Stress fracture?

I laughed at the piece on the editorial page bashing millennials. But I was laughing at you, not with you.

That add-on piece of editorial just reflected how little you know about this younger generation. And since I'm fast approaching my 68th birthday, I feel like I'm qualifed to point it out to you.

My 24-year-old son and my 27- and 33-year old daughters are open windows to their friends in this generation. And while I hate everyone staring at their phones all the time, I can tell you they aren't taking selfies and playing video games at Starbucks.

They are working! Every task they take on involves a phone and a laptop. And in case you don't know, and you probably don't, phones and laptops are no good without WiFi and a charged battery.

They are eons ahead of us. And getting stuff done twice as fast as we ever dreamed of. Most of their employers expect results now and with precision. And in working with the most technologically savvy generation, those corporations are trying to figure out ways to retain them for longer periods of employment. Why? Because as they use their technology and apps to order and track shipments, Facetime and Skype with business partners on the other side of the world

They are innovating and creating life improvements in every imaginable way. What's amazing is they want to make the world a better place.

They already know and understand the importance of global relationships without regard to color, culture or religion, and they recognize the value of our stewardship when it comes to the planet God gave us.

So, John Wayne, while you're wrestling crocodiles, Cossacks and the Black Death, these kids are working on ways to improve your life. And, while you've been slumped over your dinosaur keyboard for the last 40 years, remember that when you don't know much about someone, don't pretend you do.

My question? How would you know?



Prefer digital paper

Like many of you that have commented on deliveries being discontinued, I can understand your attachment to hard copy. It was a pleasure I enjoyed for many years.

Several years ago I developed MCS (multiple chemical sensitivities) and could no longer breathe newspaper ink.

I bought an iPad and have been reading the morning paper ever since. Even when I'm traveling. It took a little getting used to, but I would not go back even if I had the chance. Try it; you'll like it.



Editorial on 03/22/2019

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