OTHERS SAY: Migrant children need their flu shots

Every child older than six months should get a flu vaccine. That's according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees. The science is clear: Vaccination against flu saves children's lives.

Meanwhile, in the past year three migrant children have died of illnesses related to influenza in U.S. government custody. With flu season here, will the government follow its own recommendations and vaccinate the children in its care?

The government is required to create "safe and sanitary" conditions for the children in its care. Failing to vaccinate is an abdication of this duty. It creates a public-health threat that could spread far beyond the camps. Detained adults and staff should be given vaccines, too. This would probably pay for itself.

As long as children are being held in camps, the U.S. must meet their basic health-care needs--and that means vaccines.

Editorial on 10/12/2019

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