Bõlaide, Oktoba 16: Lalem men ko kwoj aikuj jelã kõn covid-19 ilo Arkansas

As our state deals with the spread of covid-19 in the midst of a global outbreak, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette will publish five things you need to know each week. We’ll be publishing these round-ups in English, Spanish and Marshallese. You can read our full coverage at arkansasonline.com/coronavirus/. Coronavirus coverage pertaining to crucial public health information will be available for all readers.

• Arkansas in ewõr 96,524 oran confirmed cases in covid-19, ekkar ñan data im meļeļe ko raar likút ilo jibboñin, Oktoba 16 raan eo. Tibaatmen eo an State health official eo ej bareinwõt ripoot im kwalok bwe 1,645 armej emōj aer jako im 86,447 raar mour jen nañinmej in.

• Gov. Asa Hutchinson ear kōjjeļā ilo Oktoba 14 raan eo ke state in enaj jino kōjerbal disposable, $5 kein teej(test) kommani kajojo wiik nan teej (test) Rijerbal ro ilo jet ian mon jikuul ko im aolep mon kalbuuj ko ilo Arkansas im bareinwōt human development center ko ak jikin rilale armej ro ewōr aer utamwe.

• Ilo jet raan ko rej mootļok ilo an kar nōmba kein wallōñļok ikkijen rinañinmej ro raar bōk nañinmej in corona ilo Oktoba 14 raan eo ear wōtlok nomba in rinañinmej ñan joñan in 587. Ekoba rinañinmej ro im raar kōjerbal ventilators, jen kar 110 raan moktaļok.

• Epidemiologist eo an state in Jennifer Dillaha ear rōjañ kajojo Ri-Arkansas bwe ren bōk wā in flu eo, ñan jipañ bōbrae ear bōk nañinmej ko reļļap einwot ñan ritto ro, einwōt ke ilo allōñ ko rej mootļok ear wōr ro raar jako jen covid-19 im flu

• Ilo Oktoba 13 raan eo Hutchinson ear wōnmaanlok ilo an kwalok bwe ejjanin lon oktak jen March eo ilo an kar karoñ im kojjelā bwe aolep business ko rej aikuij loor kakien ko einwōt kojerbal im kanok kein jerbal ko ñan kejbarok Rijerbal ro, telemedicine ak tv ko ñan am konono ippen takto ro, im men ko rein juon ñan bobrae an nañinmij in ajeded.

Translation: Marshallese Educational Initiative staff

ENGLISH: arkansasonline.com/news/2020/oct/16/friday-oct-16-five-things-know-about-covid-19-arka/

SPANISH: arkansasonline.com/news/2020/oct/16/viernes-16-de-octubre-cinco-hechos-importantes-sob/

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