OPINION | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Got what we deserve | Personally disturbing | We must speak out

Got what we deserve

I read the online paper daily and am struck by the anguish that our current governor and Legislature are causing. I agree with most of that anguish. There is no question that we are going backwards. How could we let this happen?

In a search for the answer I found some telling numbers. According to the state, Arkansas had 1,765,681 registered voters as of last June. In the last election, 50.8 percent actually voted. Governor Sanders won with 62.5 percent of that vote. Doing a little math reveals that 32.3 percent of the actual registered voters supported her.

So, 32.3 percent of the voting population is controlling 100 percent of the agenda. All those anguished writers (including me) are whistling in the wind given that such a large number of voters didn't register an opinion.

Of course it is possible this government would have been elected if everyone voted, but we'll never know. Perhaps the state's motto in English, "The People Rule," should be changed to "Um, Actually, The People Don't Care."

As unfortunate for Arkansas as it is, we got the government we deserve.


Mountain Home

Personally disturbing

In response to the letter from Mary Cain regarding the comic strip Judge Parker, I found the subject matter personally disturbing. Arkansas is a conservative state, and its citizens are largely Christian, God-fearing and God-loving, and I believe the vast majority do not accept the lifestyle of the two women depicted.

That section of the paper has traditionally been called the "funnies," but there is nothing funny about Judge Parker. If the Democrat-Gazette has the power to take Dilbert out (which I didn't like) and replace it with Curtis, it could replace Judge Parker with a humorous comic strip. All you conservative readers should call the paper and file a complaint. The phone number is (800) 641-6882.



We must speak out

I usually avoid speaking my thoughts in a public way, especially politically, but I have to comment on Philip Martin's column "Under the gun" in Sunday's newspaper. He said it all in a succinct, professional manner, and I agree with him wholeheartedly.

I am so disturbed by the almost-daily accounts of mass murders, especially in schools and churches, and the reluctance of legislators to do anything about it. We need better gun controls! Please, if you agree with Philip Martin, let it be known. We can't let this go on; we must speak out for better gun legislation, not only in our state but in others as well.



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