Glass containers the way to go with food

I'm not one of those people who can just bring a sandwich and apple to work and be good for the day. No, my "meal" is more like three or four mini-meals throughout the night. And since I cook a lot - and avoid plastic bags for the obvious reasons - I tend to use a lot of containers.

For years, I've gone through more plastic Tupperware than I can count. Unfortunately, lids tend to go missing ... as do entire containers. And every once in a while, the plastic turns a creepy orange color from soup or the pasta sauce that was in there.

That, of course, brings up the point that plastic - especially when heated in the microwave - isn't particularly good for you since it leeches things into your food. Ugh.

And to those people who say that Gladware is disposable, please avoid ever saying that in my presence unless you'd like a lecture about why that's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Plastic containers are as disposable as your glass ones - which is to say, they're not.

So I finally decided to invest in some glass containers. Not only are they better for the environment, they also are better for me - and my wallet, in the long run, since I will (hopefully) not lose them as easily.

I'm in love.

I won't throw away the plastic containers because, well, that would be wasteful. But they definitely get passed over for my glass containers more often than not. Glass doesn't make my food taste funny and it's easier to clean.

Plus, now I'm the girl at work who eats a lot - but looks classy while doing it.

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